Our leadership
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Our leadership, which includes our Board of Directors and Senior Executive Team, is accountable to our shareholders for the responsible conduct of the business and our long-term success. It also represents the interests of all our stakeholders in ensuring that we deliver for patients by putting science at the heart of everything we do.
Board of Directors
Our Directors are collectively responsible for the success of AstraZeneca. In addition, the Non-Executive Directors are responsible for exercising independent and objective judgement and for scrutinising and challenging management. The Board is responsible for setting our strategy and policies, oversight of risk and corporate governance and monitoring progress towards meeting our annual plans. It is accountable to our shareholders for the proper conduct of the business and our long-term success and represents the interests of all stakeholders. The Board has delegated some of its powers to five principal committees and the CEO. Members of the Board and their biographies are shown below.

Michel Demaré Non-Executive Chair of the Board
Member of the Board since September 2019 and Chair since April 2023.

Pascal Soriot Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer
Member of the Board and CEO since October 2012.

Aradhana Sarin Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer
Member of the Board and CFO since August 2021

Philip Broadley Senior independent Non-Executive Director
Member of the Board since April 2017 and Senior independent Non-Executive Director since March 2021
Senior Executive Team
In addition to the Board of Directors, our Senior Executive Team, or SET, is the body through which our Chief Executive Officer (CEO) exercises the authority delegated to him by the Board. Our CEO leads the SET and has executive responsibility for the management, development and performance of the business. The Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and SET also take the lead in developing our strategy for review, constructive challenge and approval by the Board as part of our annual strategy review process.

Pam Cheng Executive Vice President, Global Operations, IT & Chief Sustainability Officer

Marc Dunoyer Chief Executive Officer, Alexion and Chief Strategy Officer, AstraZeneca